Bir şey hakkında bilgi almak istediğimizde arama motorlarına sorarız. Search Engines dediğimiz bu sitelerin en güçlüsü olan Google belli aralıklarla sitesinden en çok aranan kelimeleri duyuruyor. Bu ne işe yarar? Toplum ne ile ilgileniyor, kamuoyunun enerjisi nerelerde harcanıyor, dünyada en önemli ne olmuş, neden bu kelimeler sorulmuş? Pek çok kişi için anlamlıdır sonuçları okumak.

Web siteniz varsa özellikle bu kelimeleri içeren kelimelerle konularınızı anlatmak ziyaretçilerinizi arttırır. Ama sahtekarlıktan bahsetmiyorum. En nefret edilen şey, site içeriğinde olmayan kelimeleri liste halinde sayfalara gömmek. Bir süre sonra, hem insanlar hem Google blok koyuyor bu sitelere.

Ayrıca bir de yanlış yazılan kelimeleri içererek ziyaretçilerinizi arttırabilirsiniz yine sevilen ve saygı duyulan bir yöntem değildir. En doğrusu o konuyu kaliteli bir şekilde anlatmaktır. Bir süre sonra siteniz ziyaretçilerle dolacaktır. Bana güvenin :) (Dünya ülkeleri için ayrı ayrı istatistik)

Google Zeitgeist
Search patterns, trends, and surprises according to Google

Örneğin Şubat 2008 verileri böyle
1. fulldizi (online tv series site)
2. burç uyumu (horoscope harmony)
3. amblem (emblem)
4. sarışın kızlar (blond girls)
5. water
6. barış (peace)
7. yurtkur (Turkish higher education credit and hostels institution)
8. sportoto (a betting game)
9. hileler (tricks)
10. TARKAN (Turkish popstar)
11. gamyun net (online games site)
12. nvi ( a site providing Turkish ID numbers )
13. 3 hilal (3 new moons- symbol of a political view)
14. panik atak (panic attack)

Nisan 2008 Verileri

Afghanistan – Popular Queries: April 2008

1. afghanistan
3. وزارت تحصیلات عالی
(Ministry of Higher Education)
4. ako
5. mypay

6. katrina kaif
7. kabul
8. افغانستان
9. acbar
10. هرات

12. نتایج کانکور
(university entrance examination results)
13. فال حافظ
(occult techniques of Oracle of Shiraz Hafiz)
14. pakistan
15. af portal

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Argentina – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. juegos del hombre araña
(spiderman games)
2. keepvid
3. fiat plan
4. acocalipsis

6. colchones
7. Ashley Tisdale
8. best buy
9. camion
10. cura volador

11. juguetes
12. mapas de Buenos Aires
(Buenos Aires maps)
13. muebles de oficina
(office furniture)
14. vestidos
15. darwin

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Australia – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. waratahs
2. tsunamis
3. Cam Gigandet
4. randy orton
5. optus broadband

6. the great barrier reef
7. pga
8. sponge bob
9. Barack-Obama
10. port macquarie

11. american dad
12. hayman island
13. ethiopia
14. scooby doo games
15. afl fixtures

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Brazil – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. jorge vercilo
2. livia andrade
3. carlos chagas
4. pitagoras
5. pushing daisies

6. itachi uchiha
7. power ranger
8. asa de aguia
(music group)
9. afrodite
10. lei maria da penha

11. jensen ackles
12. yu gi oh
13. Daniel Radcliffe
14. maes
15. van helsing

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Canada – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. calvin klein
2. tulip
3. new brunswick
4. viking
5. labrador

6. vancouver public library
7. b92
(Serbian radio station)
8. coachella
9. calgary movies
10. wiggles

11. octranspo
(transit system)
12. adobe acrobat
13. the beat 94.5
14. taj mahal
15. fiji

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Chile – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. imagenes de anime
(anime images)
2. juegos de aventura
(adventure games)
3. energia cinetica
(kinetic energy)
4. minos
(goodlooking guys)
5. ninja

6. videos de fantasmas
(ghost videos)
8. musica de los 80
(80’s music)
9. x men
10. rockandpop
(Chilean radio station)

11. sum 41
(Canadian pop punk band)
12. membrana celular
(celular membrane)
13. eres el amor de mi vida
(you are the love of my life)
14. mitsubishi lancer
15. ana gabriel

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China – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. 周笔畅
(a famous singer’s name)
2. 出国留学
(go abroad for education)
3. 星辰变
(a popular online novel’s name)
4. 爱你爱的好疲惫
(a popular song)
5. 家乐福

6. 尚雯婕
(a famous singer’s name)
7. 第三媒体
(the third media, an IT website)
8. 功夫之王
(a new movie’s name)
9. 上证指数
(Shanghai Index)
10. 李宇春
(a famous singer’s name)

11. 投资移民
(investment immigration)
12. 婷美内衣
(a popular underwear’s brand)
13. 神墓
(a popular online game)
14. 黑莓手机
15. 魔兽世界
(a popular online game)

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Colombia – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. winny pooh
2. tatuaje
3. diccionario
4. imageshack
5. fuac
(Universidad Autonoma de Colombia)

6. paraiso
7. imdb
8. bienestar familiar
(Colombian institution)
9. letras goticas
(Gothic characters)
10. masa

11. alf
12. destilacion
13. alien
14. rayos
15. vademecum

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Costa Rica – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. planisferio
2. tony hawk
3. Carolina Ramirez
4. cartelera de cine
(movie guide)
5. second life

6. simson
7. k850i
8. tsunamis
9. limp bizkit
(music band)
10. red bull

11. yankees
12. los increibles
(The Incredibles)
13. ciclo menstrual
(menstrual cycle)
14. bling bling
15. imagenes para colorear
(coloring pages)

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Czech Republic – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. piráti
3. gaia mesiah
4. kamikaze
5. lokomotiva
(rail engine)

6. televize prima
8. týden
9. králíci
10. children

11. solitaire
12. tornádo
13. zakrslý králík
(dwarf rabbit)
14. breitling
15. poušť

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Denmark – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. isolering
2. Lotte Heise
(Danish celebrity)
3. colin farrell
4. kommuner
(Danish tax authorities)

6. vordingborg kommune
(the municipality of Vordingborg)
7. GTA 4
8. hvem vil være millionær
(Danish gameshow, ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’)
9. seat leon
10. radio abc
(local radio station)

11. kaninbur
(rabbit cage)
12. vaskemaskine
(washing machine)
13. forlovelsesringe
(engagement rings)
14. ladbrokes
(gambling company)
15. sommerdæk
(summer car tires)

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Finland – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. iso-syöte
(a Finnish ski resort)
2. karita tuomola
(Finnish celebrity)
3. suomi kartta
(Finland map)
4. fröbelin palikat
(a band that plays children’s music)
5. ducati

6. texas holdem
7. real madrid
8. hairspray
9. high heels
10. talvipuutarha
(winter garden)

11. videotykki
(video projector)
12. viikingit
(Vikings – a Finnish sports team)
13. puzzle
14. dio
15. sulkapallo

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France – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. sims 3
(bank website)
3. yoga
4. marguerite
(informations on pet rabbits)
5. milliyet
(Turkish news website)

6. fleche
(websites host)
(anti virus)
8. majhong
9. ma famille d’abord
(US sitcom My wife and kids)
(classified ads)

11. nip tuck
12. booster
(scooter brand)
14. orochimaru
(manga character)
15. affection

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Germany – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. Schäferhund
(German shepherd)
2. Wetter
3. Kachelmann
(German forecaster)
4. Schalke
(soccer club)
5. Lady Bitch Ray
(Internet star)

6. ADS
(attention deficit disorder)
7. kreditrechner
(credit calculator)
8. personensuche
(search for people)
9. ausbildung
10. backstreet boys

11. motortalk
(forum for technical problems and tuning of cars and motorbikes)
12. bertelsmann
(German media enterprise)
13. schüssler salze
(alternative medical mineral salt)
14. calla
15. archlord

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Greece – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. OSE
(Hellenic Railways Organization)
2. kiss me
4. protoporia
(book store)
5. puzzle bobble

6. 3 doors down
7. UPS
8. levis
9. hollywood
10. χαρτης θεσσαλονικης
(Thessaloniki map)

11. despoina vandi
(Greek singer)
(Pascha meal)
13. edward norton
14. ηλιοβασιλεμα

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Hungary – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. tattoo
2. tereskova
(scandalous Hungarian performer)
3. anyák napja
(Mother’s Day)
4. bkv sztrájk
(BKV strike)
5. earth day

6. donna
(new social network)
7. ikariam
(online game)
8. uri geller
(famous psychic)
9. sarka kata
(Hungarian celebrity’s girlfriend)
10. anyáknapi versek
(poems for Mother’s Day)

11. aldi
(retail chain openen in April)
12. flash banner
13. ballagás
(high sclool graduation ceremony)
14. step up 2
15. föld napja
(Earth day)

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India – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. ricky ponting
2. ganapati
3. businessline
4. filmfare

6. tvs apache
7. nicole scherzinger
8. uk visa
9. weight loss
10. golf

11. kate beckinsale
12. india glitz
13. Alina Kabaeva
14. iiit
15. ssc results

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Iraq – Popular Queries: April 2008

1. map
2. ako
3. mypay
4. test
5. صو

6. usaa
(United States automobile association)
7. prison break
8. العاب
9. iraq
10. كاظم الساهر
(singer Kathim al Saher)

11. حسام الرسام
(Hussam al Rasam)
12. myspace
13. amazon
14. youtube
15. ابراج

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Ireland – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. ritz carlton
2. rachel stevens
3. in the name of the fada
4. beatles
5. sliderobes

6. libertas
7. che guevara
8. mary harney
9. swarovski
10. christy moore

11. royal caribbean
12. kirsten dunst
13. maldives
14. irish government
15. aer arann

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Israel – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. חיים נחמן ביאליק
(Haim Nachman Bialik – poet)
2. מישהו לרוץ איתו
(a book title)
3. היסטוריה
4. photo
5. גבעתיים
(Givatayim – name of city)

6. סרטים לילדים
(children’s movies)
7. mobile
8. סטודיו סי
(studio c – women’s gym)
9. ברכה לחג הפסח
(wishes for Passover holiday)
10. היכל התרבות
(Tel-Aviv culture hall)

11. ירושלים של זהב
(‘Jerusalem of Gold’ – name of song)
12. מוזיקה ישראלית
(Israeli music)
13. חדרי תינוקות
(babies bedrooms)
14. הכנרת
(Lake Kineret)
15. אותיות
(children’s newspaper)

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Italy – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. grande fratello
(big brother)
2. cristiano ronaldo
3. berlusconi
4. meucci
5. lega nord
(italian party)

6. fiorentina
(football team)
7. pd
(italian party)
8. x factor
9. madonna
10. dimagrire
(loose wheight)

11. aurora boreale
(polar lights)
12. nietzsche
13. fise
(national equestrian association)
14. drogba
15. positano

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Japan – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. 加護亜依
( entertainer )
2. 瀬尾佳美
( assistant professor )
3. 鉄腕アトム
( Astro Boy)
4. 倉持結香
( idle )
5. 美元
( model )

6. コードギアスR2
( animation )
7. 松井冬子
( Japanese-style painter )
8. ラストフレンズ
( TV drama )
9. ロシアン佐藤
( entertainer )
10. せんとくん
( mascot of 1300th anniversary of Nara Heijo-kyo capital )

11. ルーキーズ
( TV drama )
12. 谷村奈南
( singer )
13. いとうあいこ
( actress )
14. 中村勇吾
( web designer )
15. アイレム
( Irem Software Engineering Corporation )

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Korea – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. 케이비에스
(KBS: Korea broadcasting system)
2. 전화영어
(Telephone Language Learning System )
3. 클럽박스 검색
(p2p services)
4. 스트레스
5. 경영인

6. 현대백화점 해킹
(Hyundai department store intrusion)
7. 로또복권당첨번호
(Lottery Numbers)
8. 국내여자가수
(Korea women singer)
9. 힙합
(hip pop)
10. 근로복지공단
(Korea Workers compensation & welfare service)

11. 건즈온라인
(online game)
12. 카발온라인
(online game)
13. 현경대
14. 알송
(audio players)
15. 폭포

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Netherlands – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. earth day
2. jort kelder
(TV presenter)
3. Koninginnedag 2008
(Queens day)
4. geert hoes
5. koninginnendag
(Queens day)

6. trots op nederland
(political party)
7. marathon rotterdam
8. wii fit
9. Cristiano Ronaldo
(football player)
10. hollands got talent
(TV show)

11. koninginnedag amsterdam
(Queens day)
12. secretaressedag
(secretary day)
13. mario kart wii
(computer game)
14. gta4
(computer game)
15. amstel gold race
(cycling race)

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New Zealand – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. hoyts riccarton
2. nz courier
3. 20/20
4. NZ post

6. NBA
7. christina ricci
8. Daniel Carter
9. leonardo dicaprio
10. spiderman games

11. criss angel
12. miley cyrus pictures
13. free knitting patterns
14. bluebird rugby cards
15. avanti

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Norway – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. Ryan Reynolds
2. gassgrill
(gas grill)
3. Moldova
4. Bahasa Indonesia
5. Grand Theft Auto IV
(video game)

6. inuyasha
(video game)
7. forex
(site for foreign exchange trading)
8. evangeline lilly
9. romvesen
10. adebayor

11. grand canyon
12. karikatur
13. husfliden
(arts & crafts)
14. brud
15. love poems

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Pakistan – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. minar-e-pakistan
2. horror pictures
3. mcb pakistan
4. flag of pakistan
5. poetry sms

6. mauritius
7. capricorn
8. ownskin
10. love stories

11. barber scissors
12. mughals
13. e-commerce
14. meezan bank pakistan
15. human anatomy

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Peru – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

(Peruvian newspaper)
2. multimessenger
3. graphic design
4. mecanica
5. empire strike

6. modelo de curriculum
(resume template)
7. nombres de bebes
(baby names)
8. serpiente
9. partes de una computadora
(computer components)
10. demuna
(children’s protection agency)

11. emo de amor
(love emo)
12. diario el bocon
(Peruvian newspaper)
13. juegos de sonic
(sonic games)
14. la vaca
(the cow)
15. universidad de piura
(Peruvian university)

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Philippines – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. heath ledger
2. rock you
3. symantec
4. i love pink
5. cute dogs

6. charizard
7. aries
8. bartender
9. classified ads
10. rotten

11. anarchy
12. san beda
13. pangya
(online gaming)
14. emo guitar
15. josh hartnett

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Poland – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. testy gimnazjalne
(gymnasium tests)
2. f1
3. lotto
4. dzień ziemi
(earth day)
5. kozaczek
(tabloid news portal)

6. Jan Paweł II
7. konstytucja 3 maja
(Constitution of May 3, 1791)
8. egzamin gimnazjalny 2008
(gymnasium exams 2008)
9. nonsensopedia
10. mahjong

11. jak oni śpiewają
(TV show)
12. nie kłam kochanie
(Polish film)
13. kubica
(F1 driver)
14. Miley Cyrus
15. kurs euro
(Euro exchange rate)

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Puerto Rico – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. dinamicas cristianas
(Christian dynamics)
2. ragnarok
3. dell pr
4. lowrider
5. lectura

6. cd
7. llorar
(to cry)
8. software
9. poesias
10. impetigo
(skin infection)

11. andrea bocelli
12. planos
13. dia de la tierra
(Earth Day)
14. pasaporte
15. poetry

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Saudi Arabia – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. خلفيات للكمبيوتر
(computer desktop images)
2. الدستور
(the constitution)
3. اضحك
4. nicole kidman
5. حفر الباطن
(Hafr Al Batain area in Saudi)

6. برامج نوكيا n73
(Nokia n73 programs)
7. تصاميم
8. proxy web
9. vista wallpaper
10. أناشيد إسلامية
(Islamic songs)

11. جمهور الاتحاد
(Itihad audience)
12. masrawy
(name of website)
13. كوووورة
14. kfupm
(King Fahad university for pertolium & minerals)
15. صور شجون الهاجري
(Shojoon Al Hajri pictures)

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Serbia – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. ljubavni kalkulator
(love calculator)
2. q7
3. sladoled
(ice cream)
4. gohan
(manga character)
5. vremenska prognoza novi sad
(weather forecast for Novi Sad)

6. bull terrier
7. klime
(air condition)
(Serbian football club)
9. range rover
10. eros ramazzotti

11. etno selo
(ethno village)
12. kladionica mozzart
(betting brand)
13. aids
14. delta city beograd
(shopping mall in Belgrade)
15. aquarium

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Singapore – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. herald sun
2. changi airport arrivals
3. wikimapia
(an online map and satellite imaging resource)
4. S.H.E
(Taiwanese girl band)
5. cartoon wallpaper

6. venetian macau
7. umpc
(ultra-mobile PC)
8. totoro
9. samsung mobile
10. kohjinsha
(manufacturer of UMPC)

11. cyberita
(Malaysia news portal)
12. 西藏
13. ไทยรัฐ
(Thailand newspaper)
14. emirates airlines
15. death note 3

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South Africa – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. pharrell
3. Mango airlines
4. puzzle games
5. autotrader sa

6. cindy mail
7. kari byron
8. wind
9. debonairs pizza
10. solar geysers

11. celebrity gossip
13. primi piatti
(Restaurant Chain)
14. beading
15. bape
(clothing brand)

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Sweden – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. Artros
2. Hastnet
3. boråstapeter
4. kristin davis
5. mickey mouse

6. limousine
7. kärleksdikt
(love poem)
8. romantiken
(the romance)
9. snygg tjej
(good looking girl)
10. hälsporre
(heal spur)

11. konstnärer
12. arm tattoo
13. Hitler
14. svensk damtidning
(Swedish celebrity magazine)
15. Pinocchio

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Taiwan – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. 投資 股市
(investment stock market)
2. goomow
(a blog about learning English)
3. 104
(job-search website)
4. 王建民建民風
(Chien-Ming Wang, Taiwanese MLB player)
5. 台灣e旅遊網
(a travel agency)

6. 育成中心
(entrepreneurship incubation center)
7. 室內設計
(interior design)
8. 製冰機
(ice-making machine)
9. 高鐵
(Taiwan high-speed rail)
10. 馬英九
(Ma Ying-jeou, newly-elected Taiwan President)

11. 謝長廷
(Hsieh Chang-Ting, president candidate for 2008 President election)
12. 陳冠希
(Edison Chen, Hong-Kong celebrity)
13. 中華電信
(China TeleCom)
14. 花蓮民宿
(Hua-Lien local-run bed-and-breakfast)
15. 台鐵
(Tqqaiwan railroad)

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Thailand – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008

1. รูปอาร์ต
(art photo)
2. Shockfm
3. new jazz
4. itemxp
5. wall

6. สินเชื่อเงินสด
(cash loan)
7. ชื่อดี
(good name)
8. Anatomy
9. nod 32
10. driver

11. ความลับ
(the secret)
12. milk
13. พลังงานแสงอาทิตย์
(solar cell)
14. n81
15. เกมส์ขายของ
(seller games)

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Turkey – Top Gaining Queries: April 2008
1. oynasana
(online games site)
2. collezione
(an apparel brand)
3. bulut
4. acıbadem
(a district in Istanbul)
5. lebron james
(nba player)
6. müzik dinleme
(listening music)
7. tse
(turkish standarts enstitute)
8. teleweb
(internet banking site for Yapi Kredi bank)
9. kağıt oyunları
(card games)
10. vücut geliştirme
(body building)
11. smiley
12. tarım bakanlığı
(ministry of agriculture)
13. birey
14. posta kodları
(postal codes)
15. ibrahim tatlıses son albüm
(last album of İbrahim Tatlıses)


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